Two-year event at PADETC

PADETC invite

2014 PADETC Fair
Remembering the 2nd Anniversary of the Disappearance of PADETC’s Founder,
Sombath Somphone
Celebrating the progress of PADETC’s Vision of Education for Sustainable Development
15 December 2014

PADETC Office, Vientiane, Lao PDR

15 December 2014 marks the 2nd Anniversary of the Disappearance of PADETC’s Founder, Sombath Somphone. We at PADETC continues to remember our Founder, and show through our work that, despite his disappearance, Sombath’s vision and aspiration for sustainable development with “heart” lives on. Together with PADETC’s staff and alumni, and development partners, we would like to share with you PADETC’s achievements in 2014, and how the work of each of PADETC’s Learning Center and partners contribute towards the achievement of Sombath Somphone’s vision of building a “Happy and Liveable Laos for Lao people by Lao people”.

Goal and Objectives:

The Goal is to commemorate the 2nd Anniversary of the Disappearance of Sombath Somphone and to showcase the achievements of PADETC in 2014.

The objectives are:

  1. Blessing for the good health and safe return of our PADETC’s Founder, Sombath Somphone.
  2. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): national and international views by invited speakers.
  3. To exhibit the work of PADETC’s learning centers and networks focusing on achievements in 2014 through various formats (Video & photo display, demonstrations, publications, Q&A, etc.)

Proposed invitees and groups:

  • PADETC staff and members PADETC’s learning centers and networks
  • PADETC partners, NPAs, INGOs, Embassies, PADETC’s alumni and friends

Proposed Activities:

  1. Buddhist prayer and blessing ceremony and Baci for Sombath Somphone (Phra Ajarn Attipathay, BDP, and Phra Ajarn Sithone)
  2. Opening by PADETC’s Acting Director (Mr Khamserm Manivong)
  3. Education for Sustainable Development : Comments from invited guest speakers. Speakers will share views on ESD and links with Sombath’s vision on shaping PADETC’s Sustainable Development model.
  • Monk Athipatay Maitrichit, Buddish for Development Project (BDP)
  • Vonglakhone, former Quality School Principal.
  • Former Padetc youth volunteer representative
  • Amelia, Country director of World Vision Laos
  • Audience comments/response
  1. Closing Remarks by Shui Meng (Sombath’s wife)
  2. Exhibitions and Display of Learning Center and Networks
  3. Light Refreshments (Contributed by each learning center and network)


2 Replies to “Two-year event at PADETC”

  1. Dear PADETC I will not be able to attend the event at PADETC to mark the two-year anniversary of Sombath’s disappearance, because I will be in southern Laos. However, please be assured that I continue to remember Sombath and the date of his disappearance, 15 Dec 2012 at Km3 police checkpoint. My thoughts will be with you next Monday. Kathryn Sweet   From: Sombath Somphone | ສົມບັດ ສົມພອນ To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, 10 December 2014, 8:54 Subject: [New post] Two-year event at PADETC #yiv6600641109 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv6600641109 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv6600641109 a.yiv6600641109primaryactionlink:link, #yiv6600641109 a.yiv6600641109primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv6600641109 a.yiv6600641109primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv6600641109 a.yiv6600641109primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv6600641109 | rsbtws posted: “2014 PADETC Fair Remembering the 2nd Anniversary of the Disappearance of PADETC’s Founder, Sombath Somphone and Celebrating the progress of PADETC’s Vision of Education for Sustainable Development 15 December 2014PADETC Office, Vientiane, La” | |

  2. A recent BBC documentary on the Mekong broadcast in the UK touched on the appropriation of land and the establishment of lavish gambling sites in exclusive “economic zones” in Laos. I thought of Sombath and how he has inspired and continues to inspire a better way.

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